Review of the Czech internet corpus

Web for “old school” balanced corpus

The Czech internet corpus (Spoustová and Spousta 2012) is a good example of focused web corpora built in order to gather an “old school” balanced corpus encompassing different genres and several text types.

The crawled websites are not selected automatically or at random but according to the linguists’ expert knowledge: the authors mention their “knowledge of the Czech Internet” and their experience on “web site popularity”. The whole process as well as the target websites are described as follows:

We have chosen to begin with manually selecting, crawling and cleaning particular web sites with …

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Two open-source corpus-builders for German and French


I already described how to build a basic specialized crawler on this blog. I also wrote about crawling a newspaper website to build a corpus. As I went on work on this issue, I decided to release a few useful scripts under an open-source license.

The crawlers are not just mere link-harvesters, they are designed to be used as corpus-builders. As one cannot republish anything but quotations of the texts, the purpose is to enable others to make their own version of the corpora. Since the newspapers are updated quite often, it is not imaginable to create exact duplicates …

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Crawling a newspaper website to build a corpus

Basing on my previous post about specialized crawlers, I will show how I to crawl a French sports newspaper named L’Equipe using scripts written in Perl, which I did lately. For educational purpose, it works by now but it is bound to stop being efficient as soon as the design of the website changes.

Gathering links

First of all, you have to make a list of links so that you have something to start from. Here is the beginning of the script:

#!/usr/bin/perl #assuming you're using a UNIX-based system...
use strict; #because it gets messy without …
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