Building a basic specialized crawler

As I went on crawling again in the last few days I thought it could be helpful to describe the way I do.

Note that it is for educational purpose only (I am not assuming that I built the fastest and most reliable crawling engine ever) and that the aim is to crawl specific pages of interest. That implies I know which links I want to follow just by regular expressions, because I observe how a given website is organized.

I see two (or eventually three) steps in the process, which I will go through giving a few hints in …

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A fast bash pipe for TreeTagger

I have been working with the part-of-speech tagger developed at the IMS Stuttgart TreeTagger since my master thesis. It performs well on german texts as one could easily suppose, since it was one of its primary purposes. One major problem is that it’s poorly documented, so I would like to share the way that I found to pass things to TreeTagger through a pipe.

The first thing is that TreeTagger doesn’t take Unicode strings, as it dates back to the nineties. So you have to convert whatever you pass to ISO-8859-1, which the iconv software with the …

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