Finding viable seed URLs for web corpora

I recently attended the Web as Corpus Workshop in Gothenburg, where I had a talk for a paper of mine, Finding viable seed URLs for web corpora: a scouting approach and comparative study of available sources, and another with Felix Bildhauer and Roland Schäfer, Focused Web Corpus Crawling.


The comparison I did started from web crawling experiments I performed at the FU Berlin. The fact is that the conventional tools of the “Web as Corpus” framework rely heavily on URLs obtained from search engines. URLs were easily gathered that way until search engine companies restricted this allowance, meaning that …

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Challenges in web corpus construction for low-resource languages

I recently presented a paper at the third LRL Workshop (a joint LTC-ELRA-FLaReNet-META_NET workshop on “Less Resourced Languages, new technologies, new challenges and opportunities”).


The state of the art tools of the “web as corpus” framework rely heavily on URLs obtained from search engines. Recently, this querying process became very slow or impossible to perform on a low budget.

Moreover, there are diverse and partly unknown search biases related to search engine optimization tricks and undocumented PageRank adjustments, so that diverse sources of URL seeds could at least ensure that there is not a single bias, but …

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A one-pass valency-oriented chunker for German

I recently introduced at the LTC‘13 conference a tool I developed to help performing fast text analysis on web corpora: a one-pass valency-oriented chunker for German.


It turns out that topological fields together with chunked phrases provide a solid basis for a robust analysis of German sentence structure.” E. W. Hinrichs, “Finite-State Parsing of German”, in Inquiries into Words, Constraints and Contexts, A. Arppe and et al. (eds.), Stanford: CSLI Publications, pp. 35–44, 2005.


Non-finite state parsers provide fine-grained information but they are computationally demanding, so that it can be interesting to see how far a …

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Guessing if a URL points to a WordPress blog

I am currently working on a project for which I need to identify WordPress blogs as fast as possible, given a list of URLs. I decided to write a review on this topic since I found relevant but sparse hints on how to do it.

First of all, let’s say that guessing if a website uses WordPress by analysing HTML code is straightforward if nothing was been done to hide it, which is almost always the case. As WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems, downloading every page and performing a check afterward is an option …

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Review of the Czech internet corpus

Web for “old school” balanced corpus

The Czech internet corpus (Spoustová and Spousta 2012) is a good example of focused web corpora built in order to gather an “old school” balanced corpus encompassing different genres and several text types.

The crawled websites are not selected automatically or at random but according to the linguists’ expert knowledge: the authors mention their “knowledge of the Czech Internet” and their experience on “web site popularity”. The whole process as well as the target websites are described as follows:

We have chosen to begin with manually selecting, crawling and cleaning particular web sites with …

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Overview of URL analysis and classification methods

The analysis of URLs using natural language processing methods has recently become a research topic by itself, all the more since large URL lists are considered as being part of the big data paradigm. Due to the quantity of available web pages and the costs of processing large amounts of data, it is now an Information Retrieval task to try to classify web pages merely by taking their URLs into account and without fetching the documents they link to.

Why is that so and what can be taken away from these methods?

Interest and objectives

Obviously, the URLs contain clues …

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Batch file conversion to the same encoding on Linux

I recently had to deal with a series of files with different encodings in the same corpus, and I would like to share the solution I found in order to try to convert automatically all the files in a directory to the same encoding (here UTF-8).

file -i

I first tried to write a script in order to detect and correct the encoding, but it was everything but easy, so I decided to use UNIX software instead, assuming these tools would be adequate and robust enough.

I was not disappointed, as file for example gives relevant information when used …

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Introducing the Microblog Explorer

The Microblog Explorer project is about gathering URLs from social networks (FriendFeed,, and Reddit) to use them as web crawling seeds. At least by the last two of them a crawl appears to be manageable in terms of both API accessibility and corpus size, which is not the case concerning Twitter for example.


  1. These platforms account for a relative diversity of user profiles.
  2. Documents that are most likely to be important are being shared.
  3. It becomes possible to cover languages which are more rarely seen on the Internet, below the English-speaking spammer’s radar.
  4. Microblogging services are …
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What is good enough to become part of a web corpus?

I recently worked at the FU Berlin with Roland Schäfer and Felix Bildhauer on issues related to web corpora. One of them deals with corpus construction: as a matter of fact, web documents can be very different, and even after a proper cleaning it is not rare to see things that could hardly be qualified as texts. While there are indubitably clear cases such as lists of addresses or tag clouds, it is not always obvious to define how extensive the notions of text and corpus are. What’s more, a certain amount of documents just end up too close …

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Recipes for several model fitting techniques in R

As I recently tried several modeling techniques in R, I would like to share some of these, with a focus on linear regression.

Disclaimer: the code lines below work, but I would not suggest that they are the most efficient way to deal with this kind of data (as a matter of fact, all of them score slightly below 80% accuracy on the Kaggle datasets). Moreover, there are not always the most efficient way to implement a given model.

I see it as a way to quickly test several frameworks without going into details.

The column names used in the …

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